Stefano Ambrosio - Centre/Fly-half - Player profile
Born June 15, 1987
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Team:  all for Argentina
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Home or away:  all at neutral venue
Host country:  all in Chile
Ground:  all at Chile: Mahuida Parque Reina, Santiago
Match date:  from to or
Trophy:  only in South American Championship
Tournament/tour:  only in South American Championship, 2012
Match type:  only in preliminary matches
Match result:  only case is won match
Captaincy:  only case is not as captain
Debut or last match: 
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Position category:  only case is backs
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Age at time of match:  all aged 24
Match involving players: 
Match involving captains: 
Points scored in a match:  from to or
Tries scored in a match:  only amount is 0
Conversions scored:  from to or
Penalty goals scored:  only amount is 0
Drop goals scored:  only amount is 0
Goals from a mark:  only amount is 0
Yellow cards:  only received no card
Red cards:  only received no card
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